Coordinator Workload
Our current collective agreement uses approximately 50 words to describe the role, responsibilities, and limitations of coordinators (Article 14.03 A 3). Beyond teaching, coordinators “... are required to provide academic leadership in the coordination of courses and/or programs. Coordinators report to the academic manager who assigns their specific duties. It is understood that coordinators do not have responsibility for the disciplining of teachers in the bargaining unit. It is not the intention of the Colleges to require employees to accept the designation of coordinator against their wishes.”
5 hours is typically added to SWFs for coordinator duties, however, many coordinators are given more time to coordinate based on the needs of their program(s). Faculty have the ability to request more coordinator hours on SWFs. It is helpful in discussions with your chair to have timesheets and other data to support your request for additional time to perform coordinator duties.
It is highly recommended that faculty establishing the duties expected BEFORE accepting a coordinator position. The Coordinator Responsibility Form can help. Customize the form and use it at your loading meeting in the spring before the start of a new semester. Be clear with your supervisor what is possible to complete in the hours given on the SWF based on past experience. If you are a new coordinator, reach out to your steward for assistance.
In some cases, coordinators are bombarded with tasks that go beyond the hours given on a SWF. It is important for faculty, as well as the bargaining unit in general, that workloads reflect the work being asigned.
SCENARIO: If a College has 350 Full-Time and Partial load faculty and each member chose to work an average two (2) extra workload hours per week beyond what is on their SWF, (work such as , coordinating, filling-in, marketing, open houses etc.) the extra hours worked would total 700+ hours per week. That's equal to sixteen (16) full-time positions!
Explore the image below for more information

Your supervisor may not be aware of the extra work you are doing. Tracking your time and try to stay within the time given for your coordinator role. Consider setting realistic expectations or request an adjustment to SWF hours. These changes can help with your workload and allow you to be more effective at your job.
Coordinators have the ability to explain that tasks being assigned go beyond the hours listed on their SWF. This might be difficult if in the past you have completed tasks without discussion, but supervisors need to have a full understanding of your workload.
If you are "covering" more hours than are given on your SWF, you are possibly denying a full-time or partial load job from a future member.
Extra hours spent on marketing and community outreach, while positive, could be stretching you too thin and be impacting employment for others.
Coordinator Responsibilities
According to the Collective Agreement (College Employer Council) Article 14.03A3, “Coordinators report to the academic manager who assigns their specific duties, which shall be determined prior to the acceptance of the designation, subject to changes as circumstances require. It is understood that coordinators do not have responsibility for the supervision or for the disciplining of teachers in the bargaining unit. ”
It is important that you discuss, with the Coordinator, what his/her duties will be before the individual assumes the Coordinator role. By meeting and using this guide to review key responsibilities you will ensure that the prospective Coordinator has a good understanding of specific duties prior to starting the
Coordinator duties vary within programs/Schools. The following are examples of the most common activities and tasks that Conestoga Coordinators are organizing or participating in. This document is intended as a tool to facilitate this discussion and, as such, it includes a list of possible duties from which to choose.
Before use:
Personalize the form with Program Name, School, Chair and Date.
Remove any items that do not apply to your coordinator so that he responsibilities are easy to refer to and discuss.
Add specifics for your area that clarify the duty (such as dates, resources, etc.).
Provide a copy for reference to both parties.
It is important to emphasize that the Coordinator is coordinating the duties and should seek the assistance of full-time faculty as appropriate. Many programs use a spreadsheet circulated to faculty where faculty identify where they will help out each semester.
Responsibilities may change during the year necessitating a new discussion. It would be a good practice to review with the coordinator periodically addressing challenges, identifying if there are any new responsibilities, and removing any that are no longer relevant.